Palm Sunday |

April 13th

8:15am - Word and Table

9:30am - Modern

11:00am - Traditional

We gather to worship God and remember Jesus' joyful entrance into Jerusalem as his followers lay down cloaks and palm branches. They welcomed Jesus with love expressed as joy and praise. Our worship services will reflect the joy of this moment from Jesus' life at the start of Holy Week before a dramatic change of events. 

Maundy Thursday | April 17th

10:00am - Student Center

7:00pm - Worship Center

We gather to worship God and remember Jesus’ love for His disciples and how it reveals God's love. Jesus demonstrated love for his disciples when he washed their feet and shared a last meal with them. Our worship service will include Holy communion and meaningful ways to draw near to Jesus as we remember the events that took place in the hours before his crucifixion.

Childcare will be available for Pre-K and under at the 7pm service.

Good Friday | April 18th

7:00pm - Worship Center

We gather to worship God and remember Jesus' death and how it reveals the depths of God's love for all people. Our worship service will focus on the final hours of Jesus' life and the words he uttered from the cross. Throughout the service, we will experience the weight of this night through scripture, music, and the extinguishing of the lights.

Childcare will be available for Pre-K and under.

Easter Sunday | April 20th

7:00am - Sunrise

9:30am - Modern

11:00am - Traditional

We gather to worship God and to celebrate an empty tomb! The empty tomb reflects God's power to overcome sin and death AND the true meaning of love. Alleluia! Jesus is Risen! Our worship services will be a joyful celebration of what God has done for us!

Easter Cantata | April 27th

9:30am - Modern

11:00am - Traditional Cantata

Join us for our Easter Cantata: “At His Name.” The Cantata will be at 11AM on April 27th. There will not be an 8:15AM service this week so that the choir and orchestra can prepare.