Music Ministry
Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir helps lead music in our traditional worship service. They provide anthems, calls to worship, and other service music. They also present cantatas with orchestra at Christmas and Easter. They rehearse on Tuesday evenings at 6:30pm. The Chancel Choir is led by Sam Spears, our Director of Music and Worship. Please contact Sam at sam.spears@hmumc.org if you are interested in joining.
Modern Worship Team
The Modern Worship Team is a group of volunteers from our congregation that lead music in our modern worship service. Positions include vocalists, drummers, guitarists, bassists, sign-language interpreters, and more! They are led by Jonathan Nease, our Director of Modern Worship. Please contact Jonathan at jonathan.nease@hmumc.org if you are interested in joining.
Youth Worship Team
The Youth Worship Team is a group of volunteers from our Student Ministry that lead music for Wednesday Night Student Ministry. Positions include vocalists, drummers, guitarists, bassists, and more! The team is lead by Jonathan Nease, our Director of Modern Worship. Please contact Jonathan at jonathan.nease@hmumc.org if you are interested in joining.
Kids Choir
The Kids Choir is open to any children in grades 2nd-5th who are interested in singing—no audition required! They sing periodically in our Sunday morning worship services. They meet during the school year on Wednesdays at 6:30pm as part of our Wednesday evening kids programming. The Kids Choir is led by Sam Spears, our Director of Music and Worship. Please contact Sam at sam.spears@hmumc.org if you are interested in joining.
Director of Music and Worship | Sam Spears
Director of Modern Worship | Jonathan Nease