Leadership Board
The responsibilities of this Board are to create the initial guiding principles, leadership covenant, policies & procedures for HMUMC. The Leadership Board is made up of 9 individuals, each serving on 3-year, staggered, terms. This new board is nominated by the Committee on Nominations and Leadership Development and voted on by either the church or charge conference.
Board meetings occur on the second Monday of every month, at 6:30PM in Rm 339. These meetings are open to the public and we encourage anyone who is interested in learning more about the Board, asking questions, or voicing input to attend. A meeting summary will be posted on this page monthly as well.
Meet Our Leadership Board
Chris Brown
Term: 2022-25
I feel called to help, to help others feel the love and connection to our church, but more importantly, to the one who loves them perfectly just where they are. I want our church to be known as the church that loves all and meets the needs of our community whenever and wherever we possibly can…to connect people to each other, to our church and to our Savior.
Dianna Lueke
Term: 2022-25
I am most looking forward to serving on the board to help streamline our process, support our staff and congregation and most importantly, to help our missions area grow. I love being helpful and serving others and I hope this SAS model will provide more opportunity to grow our church, our faith, our community and make disciples of Jesus for the transformation of the world.
Sean Ragsdale
Term: 2025
Our family of four have been members of HMUMC for 8 years. Over the years, at a number of churches, my wife Paula and I have served on several Administrative Boards, or as staff members. We are followers of Jesus and want to see HMUMC grow and prosper.
I have special interest in growing the youth group with Max and Nora having a couple of years left in student ministry. I am convinced that student ministry is a key indicator of the health of the church.
Christine Lytton
Term: 2023-26
I have been a member to HMUMC since 2009. I feel called to serve on the board to help our church navigate these changes. I have served as a small group leader for student ministry for the last year and a half as well as volunteered in several facets of kids ministry. I feel the call to serve by helping lift up the next generation of disciples of Jesus.
Tommy White
Term: 2023-26
I appreciate the opportunity to serve our church as a member of the Leadership Board. I will work to achieve the mission and vision of HMUMC through our four guiding principles of Gather, Grow, Go and Give. I pray that my years of serving will benefit our church as we face challenging but exciting years ahead. We can and will through the love and grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Daphne Hyatt
Term: 2023-26
I am drawn to work as a member of HMUMC Leadership Board to help the church navigate through these transitional times. HMUMC is a place where my children grew up. I have been humbled to serve in multiple other capacities at the church and feel that this opportunity will allow me to have my largest impact. I believe in our church and want to help it support the whole community.
Carly Lennig
My name is Carly, and I have been a part of HMUMC my whole life. Being in student ministry the last couple of years has opened my eyes and I have grown stronger in my faith and knowledge of God.
I volunteer in kids' ministry on Sunday morning, and I love teaching them about God. I work well with others, and think being on The Leadership Board will grow my leadership skills and help me to share my faith with others.
Raymer Sale
Term: 2025-26
My wife Bonnie and I have been members of HMUMC for 20 + years. We have 3 adult children and 5 grandchildren, 4 boys and 1 girl, ranging in age from 12 to 22.
I am looking forward to serving on The Leadership Board to help understand and respond to our challenges so we can strengthen the ministries of our church.
Sean Platt
Term: 2025-27
My name is Sean Platt and a lifelong native of Dacula. I have been married to my wife Myriah Platt for 10 years and we have an 8 year old daughter. I am a mortgage loan officer. I am also a small business owner for a local demolition company.
I love to serve in kids ministry on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. I enjoy making an impact on the younger generation who will one day make up our congregation.
I am honored to serve my church family on The Leadership Board.
Dave Altman
Term: 2025-27
My name is Dave Altman and my wife, Lisa, and I recently celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary. We have three grown daughters and seven grandkids. In my career, I worked in journalism and corporate communications. I still write for the Braselton News.
I admire and am grateful for our Leadership Board and I look forward to helping our church in whatever ways I can.
Valda Everette
Term: 2025-27
My name is Valda Everette, I am a widow, a mother of four and a grandmother of eight. I was raised in the United Methodist Church and raised my children in the church too.
I have served churches in a variety of ways, and I enjoy singing in the choir at HMUMC. I am honored to serve on the Leadership Board and will serve Jesus, who is my guide, my strength and my all.
Megan Ryall
Term: 2025-27
My name is Megan and I have been married to Eric for 16 years. We have three children, Ellie (13), Olivia (11), and Eliot (7). I am currently in my second year as a middle school librarian but spent thirteen years as a language arts teacher.
We found a home at HMUMC primarily because it is exactly what our children need in this season for their spiritual growth.
I think being a member of The Leadership Board will be a great opportunity for me to serve the church.