There are lots of ways to give financially to the ministry at Hamilton Mill UMC
Give via Bank Draft
Log in directly to your personal banking institution and create a bill pay payment to Hamilton Mill UMC. Use the Church’s PO Box address (PO Box 1229 Dacula, Ga. 30019) and your bank will send payment directly to the church. Please indicate in the memo field of the bill payment where to post the donation.
Give via Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs)
Did you know that you can contribute directly to HMUMC from your IRA? If you are 70½ or older, you can have the custodian of your IRA make a non-taxable Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) directly from your IRA to HMUMC in a manner that helps satisfy your yearly Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) requirement. Note that this transfer is not tax-deductible but may reduce your overall tax requirement more than a direct contribution by nature of the reduction of your overall gross income. We will send you a written confirmation of your gift once your transaction is complete.
Simply instruct your IRA administrator to make the check payable to Hamilton Mill United Methodist Church and mail the check addressed as follows:
Hamilton Mill UMC Finance Department
PO Box 1229
Dacula, GA 30019
Please notify our Finance department that the distribution is being made by emailing finance@hmumc.org. Include the donor’s name and mailing address, name of IRA Administrator, the exact amount contributed, and the allocation of the donation. This will help ensure that the donation is credited properly. For more information from the IRS, please see the following News Release. If you have questions, you should contact your financial advisor, accountant, or tax preparer.
Give via Stock Donation
Hamilton Mill UMC has a brokerage account and you can support the church financially through stock donation! If you’re interested in giving in this way, please notify our Finance department at finance@hmumc.org or (678) 276-7534 to get started. We’ll walk you through the process and you’ll receive an acknowledgement letter from HMUMC after your gift is received.
Give via Legacy Giving
Your generosity with Legacy Giving at Hamilton Mill UMC will make a lasting impact for years to come.
Planning for the future and creating the legacy you wish to leave is one of the most effective ways to ensure a lasting impact. Making a planned gift in your will or trust can guarantee that your legacy endures. Your gift may take many different forms, but the most common include a specific dollar amount, a percentage of your estate, or the remainder after all other provisions are specified. In addition, planned gifts can be made by naming a charity as a beneficiary of a retirement account or life insurance policy.
Please contact our Finance department for our federal tax ID number at finance@hmumc.org
Below is suggested language to use when drafting your planned gift.
Simply name Hamilton Mill United Methodist Church, Inc., a Georgia nonprofit corporation, on any beneficiary designation form for retirement accounts, life insurance policies, or other assets that pass by naming beneficiaries directly.
For an unrestricted gift that allows Hamilton Mill UMC to determine how to use the funds based on the most pressing needs, use the following language for your will and/or trust:
"I give to Hamilton Mill United Methodist Church, Inc., a Georgia nonprofit corporation, currently located in Dacula, GA, or its successor thereto, _________ [written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property] for its unrestricted charitable use and purpose."
To designate your provision for a particular purpose:
"I give to Hamilton Mill United Methodist Church, Inc., a Georgia nonprofit corporation, currently located in Dacula, GA, or its successor thereto, _________ [written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property]. This gift should be used for (state purpose) if and so long as Hamilton Mill United Methodist Church, Inc determines that the need exists. If Hamilton Mill United Methodist Church, Inc shall determine at the outset or at a later time that the need does not exist, or no longer exists, or for some reason it is not possible (or prudent) to administer my gift as originally intended, then Hamilton Mill United Methodist Church, Inc. may, in its sole and uncontrolled discretion, direct the use of my bequest for a purpose related as closely as possible to that stated above."
For additional questions regarding planned gifts, please contact our finance department, at finance@hmumc.org